Spiritual Insights on the Camino

My vison

Spain.  June 2024. I had just walked the Camino and was sitting alone as a chill wind howled through the soaring, empty, sombre space of St James Cathedral in Santiago. Although I find religious spaces lack spiritual energy and are dark relics of a distant, unpleasant past, outside the buzz of the Camino De Santiago continued, the joy, tears, laughter of the three thousand pilgrims who arrive daily.

I sat there for over an hour, bum on that stony bench and thought about all the roads that had led me to this cold, dark place.  A strong spiritual awareness had pervaded my entire life journey: white magic, dark magic, manifestation and revelations, all have been present, but no, organised religion was not for me thank you. I decided to meditate.

While in that land of meditation limbo, I had a profound experience. It began with the Franciscan Cross, which represented the custodians of Christian sites in the Holy Land. It glowed golden yet dripping red.  A single word came to me. Discipline. Followed by other jumbled words which became clearer as I later sketched out my vision.

But the thing that was most clear was that my life was about to change.

Since stepping out of the MD role and becoming divorced, I had lurched from one thing to another.  Starting this, starting that, wanting to do this, oh no, rather that.  I had become undecided, vacillating, unable to commit, unable to follow through.  Now here, in the most unexpected place came the answer.  You know what to do. You have known for twenty-three years.

Act now. Be disciplined.

I also understood the why, the purpose of life.  The answer is surprisingly simple – it’s to actualise ourselves. Fully. That’s it.  Our work with people and their potential substantiates the view that we are all born with a desire to achieve our highest potential. We have a Sacred Pull, the deepest of deep needs.

I wrote to a group of special people I had come to know through my Working Journey. I asked a simple question, would you like to join me in a circle committed to making a difference?  A birthing circle for transformation, a midwife to the new. The answer was a resounding YES.

And so Néos Delta came to be, a global circle of talented people; authors, poets, CEOs, Chairs, entrepreneurs and healers, dedicated to assisting people to live their fullest lives and organisations to a resilient, people and planet friendly future..

I told my friend Graham about this experience.  He commented that once we clean our portals, so to speak, one never knows who or what may wonder in. The daily walking for a month was a spiritual practice and it did indeed clean my ‘spiritual portal’.  So, a piece of advice. I suggest doing a Camino if you are stuck or needing change in your life. Or join us at a Neos Delta retreat in 2025.


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